The library program is made possible by the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation and generous parent and community donors. Contributions made THIS year determine programs and positions that can be supported NEXT year. Thank you for considering a contribution that is meaningful to your family. mbef.org
The school library program serves to instill a love of reading, inspire life-long learning, and foster independent library use. Students visit once a week with their class to check out materials and to practice information literacy skills and digital citizenship. The library is an inviting space where students may acquire knowledge and gain insight; a welcoming haven where children may seek respite from a demanding day; a stimulating place where they may open books and open their minds for a better tomorrow.
What does a library resource specialist do? Click here for a detailed job description. |

The Library was renovated extensively in 2000-01 and serves about 530 students in grades TK through 5. Holdings total roughly 20,000 items-- largely funded by the PTA. There are six student-use computer stations, three computers serving library operations, and one presentation station that utilizes an interactive SMART Board purchased by the PTA. First automated in 2000, library services have migrated to Follett Destiny Library Manager, a web-based system. The interface enables our students, staff, and parents to have access to a unified catalog of all holdings in MBUSD school libraries, and it promotes library to classroom to home learning and connectivity. in 2019, the PTA generously replaced the chairs and story rug.

Thanks to the enduring generosity of parents, teachers, and community partners, the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation will grant more than $7.4 million to preserve smaller class sizes, school library services, enrichment programs and so much more in 2024-25. See the 2024-25 grants here. The GV Library is staffed with one full time library resource specialist. Our wonderful parent volunteers are nationally famous, and were featured in a professional journal article: "Are There Any Volunteers?" by Lauren Barack (School Library Journal, December 2010). Gently used books are accepted as donations. They may be added to the Library collection, distributed to Grand View teachers for classroom use, or donated to schools in need via Access Books or other distribution methods.