Week of August 26, 2024 | TK
Week of August 26, 2024 | Kindergarten | Welcome to School
We sing and move to settle the wiggles.
What Game Shall We Play? by Pat Hutchins
The animals ask each other what game they should play, but only Owl has an answer.
Itsy Bitsy Spider
A playful song to focus our attention.
Where's Baby? by Anne Hunter
Readers will delight in spotting Baby Fox on every page as Papa Fox wanders the forest, never quite able to spot his own baby.
If You're Happy and You Know It, "Read Some Books"
A chance to sing and move before selecting a book from the tabletops to take back to class.
Week of August 26, 2024 | First Grade | Book Responsibility
Beverly Billingsly Borrows a Book, by Alexander Stadler
Beverly loves her book so much that she forgets to return it on time. A lighthearted way to introduce 1st graders to the new privilege and responsibility of taking a book home to enjoy.
Examples Students will gasp and gag over books that were damaged by scribbles and liquids.
Crafty Connection Students decorate a bookmark to keep.
Week of August 26, 2024 | Second Grade | Good Manners At School
Ragweed's Farm Dog Handbook, by Anne Vittur Kennedy
Ragweed blithely breaks all his own farm dog rules, collecting biscuits as he goes.
Discussion What are you good at, what is your job, what is your special treat?
What good manners do you usually remember to use in your daily life?
Video Good Manners for Kids
In this introduction to "magic" words and phrases such as please, thank you, and may I children learn that having good manners and being polite make life more pleasant for themselves and others.
Running time approx. 3 minutes
Week of August 26, 2024 | Third Grade | Good Manners At School
Our Class Is a Family, by Shannon Olsen
Family isn't just your relatives. It's the ones who accept you for who you are and love to see you smile.
Be Kind, by Pat Zietlow Miller
When a child witnesses a classmate in an embarrassing moment, she reflects on acts of kindness that can contribute to something big.
Discussion What good manners do you usually remember to use in your daily life?
Video Good Manners for Kids
In this introduction to "magic" words and phrases such as please, thank you, and may I children learn that having good manners and being polite make life more pleasant for themselves and others.
Running time approx. 3 minutes
Week of August 26, 2024 | Fourth Grade | Kindness Matters
Fred Rogers (1928-2003) was the creator, showrunner, and host of the preschool television series Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, which ran from 1968 to 2001. As a child he was bullied at school, but with the support of his family he grew up to become a champion of compassion, equality, and kindness.
Video Sample the famous musical introduction to the episodes here on the Mister Rogers website.
Week of August 26, 2024 | Fifth Grade | Your Leadership Matters
A small girl shows that by using her voice and speaking out, she can make a big difference.
The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet, by Carmen Agra Deedy
The mayor of the noisy city of La Paz institutes new laws forbidding all singing, but a brave little rooster decides he must sing, despite the progressively severe punishments he receives for continuing to crow. The silenced populace, invigorated by the rooster's bravery, ousts the tyrannical mayor and returns their city to its free and clamorous state.
Video Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students
Running time approx. 3 minutes