Week of September 2, 2024 | TK | Welcome to the Library
We sing and move to settle the wiggles.
Flappy Waggy Wiggly, by Amanda Leslie
Mr. Bear the puppet shares a simple peekaboo riddle book with colorful pictures of favorite animals.
If You're Happy and You Know It
A chance to sing and move before enjoying picture books independently.
Crafty Connection Students decorate a bookmark to keep
Week of September 2, 2024 | Kindergarten | We Know Our ABCs
Llama Llama Loves to Read, by Anna Dewdney and Reed Duncan
Teacher helps Llama Llama and the other children practice their letters, shows word cards, reads stories, and brings them to the library where they can all choose a favorite book. By the end of the day, Llama Llama is recognizing words and can't wait to show Mama Llama that he's becoming a reader!
If You're Happy and You Know It
Crafty Connection Students decorate a bookmark to keep
Week of September 2, 2024 | First Grade | Responsibility
A little boy finds that though he put his book back in its proper place, it turns up missing.
At-Home Connection Learn how to draw squirrels from Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Don't Spill the Milk! by Stephen Davies
Over the dunes, across the river and up the mountain, Penda lovingly carries a bowl of milk to her father in the grasslands. But will she manage to get it there without spilling a single drop? Students learning to be responsible for one library book will appreciate the magnitude of the task set before Penda.
Fun Extender Try walking with a large plastic bowl balanced on your head, as Penda did in the story. Click here to see how these children first place a rolled up cloth or towel on top of the head.
Crafty Connection Students decorate a bookmark to keep
Week of September 2, 2024 | Second Grade | Finding a Perfect Book
Goldie chooses a "just right" book when she uses "the 5 finger rule" inside the cozy home of three bears.
A Library Book for Bear, by Bonny Becker
Bear is quite certain he has all the books he will ever need right at home and there is no need to visit the library.
Crafty Connection See this video to make a paper mouse finger puppet and read your favorite book to your new little friend.
Crafty Connection Students decorate a bookmark to keep
Week of September 2, 2024 | Third Grade | Hispanic/Latinx Heritage
Rocio and her family move from Central America to the United States, leaving behind their extended family and many happy memories, but Rocio's Abuela finds a way to send her something special for her birthday.
Video Oye Como Va, recorded by Carlos Santana
Oye como va mi ritmo (listen how my rhythm goes)
Bueno pa' gozar (it's good for enjoying) -- pa' is an informal way to say para (for)
Chato's Kitchen, by Gary Soto
Chato, the coolest, low-riding cat in East LA, is cooking up a feast to serve with his new neighbors, a family of five plump mice-- who have no idea they are to be the main course at their own housewarming party. Luckily, the mice are bringing a surprise guest!
Crafty Connection Mexican tile coloring sheet
Week of September 2, 2024 | Fourth & Fifth Grade | Info Literacy
Reviewing the Library Resources and Databases
Library Map Review general layout.
Catalog Review using the classic Destiny catalog and the Destiny Discover interface. Log in to place a hold or to add a book review.
Reference Databases On site and remote access to Encyclopedia Britannica is provided to all California K-12 students by the CA State Library Project. On site and remote access to World Book Online is provided to Grand View families and staff by GVPTA. Email Mrs. Snively at [email protected] for the log-in ID and password. Find these and more under the Resources tab at grandviewlibrary.info.
Melvil Dewey (1851-1931) The education reformer and librarian who developed the organization system used in libraries around the world. Melvil Dewey divided all knowledge into ten basic categories by pretending to be a caveman thinking about the world.