Week of December 16, 2019 - TK |
Week of December 9, 2019 | Week of December 9, 2019 |
Week of December 9, 2019 | Week of December 9, 2019 |
Week of December 9, 2019 | Week of December 9, 2019 |
Week of December 9, 2019 - Fifth Grade - Happy Hanukkah
When a blizzard leaves a family housebound one Hanukkah, they share what little food they have with some starving animals who later return the favor.
The Parakeet Named Dreidel, by Isaac Bashevis Singer
When David and Mama and Papa are celebrating Hanukkah one frosty winter evening in Brooklyn, Papa sees a parakeet sitting on the window ledge and it becomes part of their family. Many years later, David is at a party one night and tells Dreidel's story--only to discover that a woman at the party owned the bird herself as a child.
Week of December 2, 2019 - TK
Bundle Up in Winter
Discovery Education Streaming Video (password protected)
Little Owl's Orange Scarf, by Tatyana Feeney
Little Owl does not like his new orange scarf! Can he and his mom come up with a solution on how he can stay warm?
Video Owl Babies, by Martin Waddell
Three baby owls worry when they awaken one night and find their mother gone.
Activity Draw Little Owl and his scarf on bookmark-sized paper.
Week of December 2, 2019 - Kindergarten
Winter Playtime
Two sisters perform a dance to make it snow and when it snows all through the night they bundle up and head outside for a busy day of angel making, snowball fights, and sledding.
Snowmen at Night, by Caralyn Buehner
After nighttime falls and everyone is asleep in their beds, a group of fun-loving snowmen jump into action and have their own bit of fun while no one is around to see.
Recess at 20 Below, by Cindy Lou Aillaud
How cold does it have to be before Alaskan kids stay inside for recess? For many schools, if it is colder than 20 below zero, they stay indoors; otherwise, it's outside for frosty fun! Compare and contrast with Grand View Kindergarten playground (center field at far right).
Live Video The Manhattan Beach Pier
Video Putting on Snow Clothes First graders show how quickly they can put on their snow clothes all by themselves.
Activity Carolers coloring sheet
Week of December 2, 2019 - First Grade
Winter Weather
The Blizzard of 1978
New England was hit by a nor'easter with hurricane-force winds approximately 86 mph with gusts up to 111 mph. A typical nor'easter brings steady snow for six to twelve hours, the Blizzard of '78 brought heavy snow for a full 33 hours.
Blizzard, by John Rocco
After a massive blizzard, a boy becomes a hero when he manages to walk to the local store and bring supplies back to his neighborhood which has been snowed in for days. Based on the author's childhood experience.
Activity Carolers coloring sheet
At-home Activity Make a simple snow globe
Week of December 2, 2019 - Second Grade
Winter Weather and Winter Fun
Winter Bees & Other Poems of the Cold, by Joyce Sidman
Bees, moose, beavers, snakes, and more... discover how animals stay alive in the wintertime and learn about their secret lives happening under the snow.
Ant and Honey Bee, a Pair of Friends in Winter, by Megan McDonald
Brrrr! The leaves are off the trees, and frost is on the ground. It's time for bugs to hunker down and hide out for the winter. But Ant isn't ready to hunker down. Will Honey Bee welcome an interruption of her peace and quiet? (Chapter 1 of 3)
Lemonade in Winter, a Book About Kids Counting Money, by Emily Jenkins
Despite snow on the ground, icicles on window sills, and discouraging words from their parents, Pauline and her little brother, John-John, decide to open a lemonade stand.
Connection What do you do differently when the weather turns colder?
Video Extremely Epic Blanket Fort
Fun Stuff Honey Bears Coloring Sheet and Busy as a Bee Activity Sheet
Week of December 2, 2019 - Third Grade
Curriculum Connection Reading for Information - Jane Goodall
Little Jane loves her stuffed animal, a chimpanzee named Jubilee, and carries him everywhere she goes. Mainly, they go outdoors, where they watch birds building their nests and squirrels chasing each other. Jane reads about animals in books and keeps a notebook of sketches, information, and puzzles. Feeling her kinship with all of nature, she often climbs her favorite tree and reads about another Jane, Tarzan's Jane. She dreams that one day she, too, will live in the African jungle and help the animals. And one day, she does.
The Watcher: Jane Goodall's Life with the Chimps, by Jeannette Winter
Goodall's passionate love of nature began in early childhood. As an adult, she moved to Tanzania, making the study and protection of the chimpanzees in the Gombe forest a focus of international fascination.
Video Segment Meet Jane Goodall Discovery Education Streaming Video (password protected)
Dr. White, by Jane Goodall
Based on fact, Dr. White is a cute little dog who makes his own kind of hospital rounds visiting very sick children. A health inspector, horrified at this breach in sanitary practices, orders the dog out. Then the man's own daughter becomes ill, and Dr. White proves his worth.
Activity Carolers coloring sheet
Week of December 2, 2019 - Fourth Grade
Curriculum Connection Informational Writing
The Marvelous Thing that Came from a Spring, by Gilbert Ford
The toy was conceived during WWII, when an engineer noticed a spring he'd been working on could "walk" from a shelf. It gained momentum as a pop culture icon when his wife named the toy and marketed it.
YouTube Video Human Slinky
Activity Carolers coloring sheet
At Home Activity Make a paper slinky
Week of December 2, 2019 - Fifth Grade
Curriculum Connection Informational Writing
Snow Flake Bentley, by Jacqueline Briggs Martin
For almost half a century, Wilson Bentley caught and photographed thousands of snowflakes in his workshop at Jericho, Vermont, and made available to scientists and art instructors samples of his remarkable work
Snow Crystals, by W. A. Bentley
In 1931, the American Meteorological Society gathered together the best of these plus some slides of frost, glaze, sleet, soft hail, and dew on vegetation and on spider webs. Over 2,000 beautiful crystals reveal the wonder of nature's diversity in uniformity; no two are alike, yet all are based on a common hexagon.
The Secret of Water: for the Children of the World, by Masaru Emoto
Presents an environmentally friendly introduction to water, its uses, its importance, and invites children to learn about the connection between water and all living things.
Website snowflakebentley.com/bio
Library Program
Our students enjoy weekly visits for a presentation crafted to instill a love of reading, to enhance Common Core classroom lessons, and to inspire life-long learning. Visits include checking out materials, practicing information literacy, and exercising digital citizenship.
California Model School Library Standards
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
100th Day Of School
ALA Youth Media Awards
Back To School
Banned Books
Black History
Books And Reading
Caldecott Award
California History
CA Young Reader Medal
Children's Book Week
Coretta Scott King Award
Dewey Decimal System
Earth Week
Fairy Tales
Five Senses
Groundhog Day
Informational Writing
Information Literacy
Literary Devices
Martin Luther King
Newbery Award
September 11
Social/Emotional Wellness
Social Justice
Valentine's Day
Veterans Day
Women's History Month