Week of October 14, 2019 - TK
A brother and sister plant and tend their own pumpkin patch so they will have jack-o-lanterns for Halloween.
How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow? by Wendell Minor
With increasing absurdity as pumpkins grow bigger and bigger still, giant pumpkins decorate American landmarks.
Activity Pumpkin bead bracelet
Week of October 14, 2019 - Kindergarten
Pumpkin heads and jack-o-lanterns abound when Halloween rolls around.
Stumpkin, by Lucy Ruth Cumminns
A stemless pumpkin that yearns to be a Halloween jack-o-lantern sees all of the other pumpkins in the shop chosen until he is the last one left without a home.
Coloring sheet Pumpkins
Week of October 14, 2019 - First Grade
Black Cats
A little kitty (can you spot him?) explores the wonders of nighttime.
Moonlight the Halloween Cat, by Cynthia Rylant
One special night of the year for one special cat.
Max at Night, by Ed Vere
Unable to go to sleep without closing his nighttime ritual, Max the kitten embarks on a journey to find the moon and say goodnight.
What! Cried Granny: an Almost Bedtime Story, by Kate Lum
When her grandson Patrick arrives for his first sleepover, Granny's resourceful efforts to provide him with a bed, pillow, and other necessities result in a sleepless night for both of them.
Coloring sheet A purr-fect Halloween
Week of October 14, 2019 - Second Grade
Scary Stories
This unusual monster story shows that confidence and courage can tame our fears.
I Want to Be in a Scary Story, by Sean Taylor
Monster wants to be the star of a scary story, but scary stories can be very scary...especially for their characters!
Coloring sheet A purr-fect Halloween
Week of October 14, 2019 - Third Grade
Scary Things
A little boy makes his dogs' hair stand on end by telling them about all the things that scare him.
My Teacher Is a Monster! by Peter Brown
Bobby has the worst teacher. She's loud, she yells, and if you throw paper airplanes, she won't allow you to enjoy recess. She is a monster! But over the course of one day, Bobby learns that monsters are not always what they seem.
Activity Folding and flying paper airplanes.
Week of October 14, 2019 - Fourth Grade
Halloween History, Customs, and Folklore
When young Pipkin becomes ill and is whisked away into the mysterious darkness of the Halloween tree, his friends must race through space and time to save him. With a peculiar old man named Moundshroud to guide them, the kids encounter the many earlier manifestations of the holiday known as Halloween. Run time 1 hour 10 minutes. Part 2 of 4. Play from minute 21:20 to 42:30.
Week of October 14, 2019 - Fifth Grade
Creepy Things | Response to Literature and Cursive Practice
Lots of things are round, and lots more are square, but people and animals are never exactly round or square. Published in 1952, this book was deleted from the collection. It's illustrations are disturbingly eerie. Thanks to GVPTA, we enjoy new books about shapes and other mathematical concepts!
Video Library Facebook page
Video Schooled book trailer
Schooled, by Gordon Korman
Although he knows a lot about Zen Buddhism, nothing has prepared home schooled Capricorn Anderson for an A-list bully, a popular girl, and middle school politics. The shifting points of view capture a pitch-perfect "fish out of water" story.
Activity Journal responses to writing prompts about Schooled will be written in cursive. Why Writing by Hand Could Make You Smarter, by William R. Klemm, Ph.D., Psychology Today, posted March 14, 2013