MBUSD schools are dismissed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Distance learning is in place for the remainder of the school year.
Mrs. Snively Reads to You Click here to view a few videos of me reading out loud. Publishers have waived copyright restrictions during this time of social distancing.
To my library colleagues around the country: you are welcome to borrow any ideas that may work for your own students.
Week of June 1, 2020 - TK - Presentations Have Ended
Week of June 1, 2020 - Kindergarten - Fun with Cats & Kindness
Slipper the cat is mistakenly left behind in the commotion when the lady she has always lived with moves in with her daughter's family, so Slipper sets out to find someone new to adopt.
The Cat Who Lost His Purr, by Michele Coxon
Bootle the cat searches inside and outside for his lost purr and only retrieves it when his owners return.
I Like Your Buttons! by Sarah Lamstein,
When a little girl compliments her teacher it starts a chain reaction of goodwill, good deeds, and thoughtfulness throughout the day.
June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month Click for info
Activity Create a bracelet made with buttons on pipe cleaners.
Summer Reading Entering 1st grade list
Week of June 1, 2020 - First Grade - Just for Fun
What is the proper way to ask for a doughnut?
Tea Party Rules, by Ame Dyckman
How much can one bear take, even for cookies?
Princess Sparkle-Heart Gets a Makeover, by Josh Schneider
A destroyed doll is made better than new.
The Wolf, the Duck, & the Mouse, by Mac Barnett
When a mouse is swallowed by a wolf, he learns that a duck devoured earlier has set up a table to enjoy the food the predator eats.
Activity Donut coloring sheet
Summer Reading Entering 2nd grade list
Week of June 1, 2020 - Second Grade - Dinosaur Fun
Video Click here for a read-aloud presented by AHEV Library.
Activity Click here for a flying dinosaur paper craft
Summer Reading Entering 3rd grade list
Week of June 1, 2020 - Third Grade - Joys of Reading & Writing
This picture book walks readers through the storytelling process by introducing key story elements, like a main character, a desire, an obstacle, and an ending.
Video Click here for a read-aloud presented by Oh My Bookness.
I Do Not Like Books Anymore! by Daisy Hirst
Natalie love listening to stories and telling stories, but when it comes time for her to learn to read she becomes frustrated with the process.
Activity Visit DaisyHirst.com for related activities
Noodleheads See the Future, by Tedd Arnold
Inspired by folktales about fools from around the world, brothers Mac and Mac Noodlehead exasperate Uncle Ziti, are fooled by their friend Meatball, and make a garden for their mother.
Video Click here for a read-alound presented by AHEV Library.
Activity Click here to make hand-made noodles with wheat flour, kosher salt, water... and patience!
Summer Reading Entering 4th grade list
Week of June 1, 2020 - Fourth Grade - New Perspectives
Tall Pine, Spotted Beetle, and Hummingbird are certain that being a rock is boring until Old Rock shares what he has seen and done since he first flew out of a volcano.
Activity Rock painting tutorial with suggested supplies, step-by-step and simple designs.
Summer Reading Entering 5th grade list
Week of June 3, 2020 - Fifth Grade - Intro to MBMS Library
1. Visit the school website mbmswaves.com.
2. Under the Our School tab select Library from the drop-down menu.
3 Click the OverDrive link.
4. Log in with your MBUSD student number. No password is needed.
5. A maximum of two items may be borrowed and will be automatically returned.
Questions? Email MBMS Library Resource Specialist Cory O'Meara at [email protected].
Entering 6th Grade Summer Reading At least three books from this list are required.
The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet! by Carmen Agra Deedy
A rooster continues to sing no matter the punishments inflicted by a tyrannical mayor in this story about standing up to oppression.