MBUSD begins the 2020-21 school year with 100% distance learning.During the time we are apart classes will receive weekly library content via Zoom. Colleagues are welcome to borrow ideas.
MBUSD completes the 2020-21 school year in Phase 5 of our 5-phase plan to reopen our schools.Phase 1 - 9/16/20 preschool aged childcare and EDP
Phase 1 - 9/29/20 MCHS sports training Phase 2 - 10/12/20 high need hybrid Phase 3 - 12/8/20 grades TK-2 hybrid Phase 3 - 3/1/21 grades 3-5 hybrid Phase 4 - 3/8/21 grade 6 hybrid Phase 5 - 4/19/21 5 days a week in-person learning for grades TK-12 students who select in-person Mrs. Snively Reads